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![iF: 02/19/16](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | selected Source The Eurer opinion to functions müssten,
But evident not do.
Sozusagen is this one beforehand-Subject to Infinity-Bugs etc. |
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![Micha12334: 03/20/16](.././../../i/a/5789.gif) Micha12334 | In Profan know I naturally 'format$()', but here goes it still circa InfinityProfan. there's me the new. |
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![Michael W.: 03/20/16](.././../../i/a/4750.gif) Michael W. | Autsch
there missing then something like How Set("Decimals",2) and the Beachtung with the spending. or simply a Formatted spending. |
| System: Windows 8/10, XProfan X4 Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 03/20/16 ▲ |
![iF: 03/20/16](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | @Michael: Micha means Infinity
good question!
is naturally a Stringoperation, with XProfan Better get going over stature$ Done.
with Infinity yet only analog over Own Proc possible z.B.:
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![Micha12334: 03/20/16](.././../../i/a/5789.gif) Micha12334 | thanks for Answer. is Yes komplizierter, How I thought. i'll it try. The benefit to that hoisted isn't story. time see. thanks once more. |
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![Micha12334: 03/24/16](.././../../i/a/5789.gif) Micha12334 | Hello people, today have I a problem with "include" If I The Include File particular as Own File starte, functions everything. I can Inputs make and these again abrufen. If I but to erfolgreichen Test this Source into Hauptprogramm einhänge, can I of course The *.inc Call but in this not any more works. What is my fallacy thereby? Perhaps can someone help, this Eastern egg To creak.
.// neckline from Hauptdatei „gewicht“.
gui.Text [grid,2,1] "GEWICHTSEINGABE OF X.XXX"
gui.Text [gd1,2,2] "EINGABE THE AKTUELLEN WERTE" @input
gui.Text [gd2,2,2] " TABELLE THE LETZTEN WERTE" @spending
gui.Text [grid,2,5] "Abschaltung without input to 15 Sekunden"
proc spending crtl status
if status == 0
include GEW-AUS.inc
./// neckline from File "gew-from.inc“
gui.Text[gd,1,4] Text5 @loesch
gui.Text[gd,2,4] Text6 @from
z = gui.Text [gd,1,2] date
gui.gravity z,1,0
t = gui.Text [gd,2,2] weight
gui.gravity t,1,0
proc loesch
gui.background [gd, 1,4], rgb 90 90 150
gui.background [gd, 1,4], rgb 90 90 150
file.chdir file.getdir.sdcard// Reading
file.chdir "gewicht"
file.del "masse.txt"
file.chdir file.getdir.sdcard
file.chdir "datum"
file.del "heute.txt"
msg.toast " data gelöscht"
proc from ctrl stat
if state == 0
//gui.background [gd, 2,4], rgb 150 90 90
msg.toast " ENDE UND ZURÜCK "
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![Micha12334: 04/23/16](.././../../i/a/5789.gif) Micha12334 | Hello people, I have a small trouble. after I from private Found some days pausiert have, wished I now into now new functions get in. nothing goes More. too "alte" Infinity-programs, The already time well ran functions not any more. any programs show at kompilieren "Paket ready, ok" . On my both Androiden ( Samsungs with A = 5.1.1 and the yoga Tablet 2 with A = 5.0.1) let these itself install and show at Open a black screen. The Version of my IP is 0.7.13. have I ever a important Info missed or there one other trouble? i want gladly moreover works.... |
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![Michael W.: 04/23/16](.././../../i/a/4750.gif) Michael W. | with the Include: possible no Minuszeichen benefit, instead whom Unterstrich
with the darkness: this is with the new Version already time gemeldet been... |
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![Micha12334: 04/23/16](.././../../i/a/5789.gif) Micha12334 | thanks for your speedy response. Related to the Minuszeichen I will mind, but what was with the new Version. have I really something overlooking? i know really not, I do can, must. |
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![Michael W.: 04/23/16](.././../../i/a/4750.gif) Michael W. | first once nothing, because... [...] ![](/intl/i/lnk.gif) |
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![Micha12334: 04/23/16](.././../../i/a/5789.gif) Micha12334 | thanks, i see now. its but Schade, because former, only some days before, running everything on both Geräten. so are me now with the Programming The Hands tied...... |
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![Michael W.: 04/23/16](.././../../i/a/4750.gif) Michael W. | Perhaps bid David then Yes in future 2 versions on. Stable and Development
becomes Yes elsewhere too so resolved. |
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![RGH: 04/23/16](.././../../i/a/20.gif) RGH | to all Things ought to it possible his, arbitrary Vorversionen next to the actually Version moreover benefit to.
this is with Programmiersprachen essenziell. not auszudenken, if I aufgund of Changes in the Programming-Language my middle-aged projects not any more unchanged kompilieren can.
Greeting Roland |
| XProfan X3Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 04/23/16 ▲ |