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RudiB. | Download Error find...variables automatically in the program rename...to Types and types Filtern....in which Line and which Proc declared......which Systemvars go used ......what about me Have there yet some ideas, The I yet install would like.
I bastle straight in a Tool circa a better Overview the variables in a Program To get....
is so far How supra described run.....be still in the Testphase circa Error To detect (The certainly yet come along go....be self one Chaosprogrammierer and habs really only for a proposition of me written)
so...... i think The first Trial is ready what about me place tappt im dunkeln here as EXE to that testing one. Have the whole a little bit adjusted, on Optischen Schnick-Schnack waived what about me think the Tool becomes walk....tuts at least by me. if your it testing Please I you circa Feedback, be it review,chide, auftretende Error or Verbesserungs-Proposals. small Statement to that Program under Help.... otherwise is it almost selbsterklärend.
almost forget...recognize too Inaktive variables, The of course Deklariert get but in the program not uses go....and twice declared variables recognize it too......
Greeting Rudi
so....now once more one Update of my small Tools. Have me with Thanks The Konstruktive review and suggestions of Roland and E.T. To hearts taken and attempts it a little bit rather To make. i think go yet Error drin stick....however hope I on Feedback of you
Greeting from munich |
| Xprofan X4 Rudolf Beske / München
Hardware: NB Intel I9 - 16GByte RAM | 10/14/12 ▲ |
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RudiB. | will be probably the PROC double Variable rausnehmen.....becomes Yes really already by the Inerpreter recognized... at least ex V 11 .....and to the Version V 11 mault the Interpreter eh not...as far as i know?.....Have unfortunately only The Freeload-Version 9.1 must me but now urgently X2 buy.... |
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RudiB. | will be probably the PROC double Variable rausnehmen.....becomes Yes really already by the Inerpreter recognized... at least ex V 11 .....and to the Version V 11 mault the Interpreter eh not...as far as i know?.....Have unfortunately only The Freeload-Version 9.1 must me but now urgently X2 buy.... |
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E.T. | Feedback: sleep my computer already or goes the Window-construction really slow ?? I can zuschauen, as individual items on the HWnd prepares go, was (mean I) with the vorigen Version not so bad. *** i'm me sure, that I no "leeren" Proc's in the program have:
*** "Inaktive Variablen" :
I pers. work very gladly with .inc-Datei'n. everything, what is done, fly out from the Hauptprogramm and becomes includiert. here now in the .prf any vermeintlich inakt. Var's To delete would well How bei'm Roulette : nothing goes More Perhaps. there, where now "Doppelt deckl. Var" showing, The variables lists, which in .inc-Files uses go (so as idea). The includierten Datei'n, Units etc. somewhere aufzulisten would vlt. too no Error... *** "Doppelt decl. Var" In several Proc's by Parameters festgelegte Übergabe-values go as twice declariert angemeckert. *** XPSE-recognition: the Progg could discern, if the Source XPSE-command contains and thereupon a Info overlay, the this code ggf. only with XPSE compiliert go can. go because nProc's recognized ??
alas Yes. The Time in the Statuszeile updated not, as is it Yes The Program-Start-Time |
| Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 02/14/13 ▲ |
RudiB. | Hello E.T.
thanks first of all for Notes and useful suggestions. ...I seh already, Have yet a weiten lane to me. (Have yet plenty To learn )
Have self again Error discover or. gewisse Syntax not mitbedacht.
will be the whole again revise, too in reference on XPSE
Only the with the clear PROC's can I me at best sake not explain....with keinem of me tested Source is this vorgekommen.
Greeting Rudi |
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RudiB. | Nochmal one small Update.....
some functions are deaktiviert...under too Save...
is too only to that try angedacht....consider too whether I the proposition not integrally einstelle..
Program is selbstentpackende Exe, prepares with Disclosure-assistant of Andreas Miethe. include are the program (Exe), Header, Includes and the Graphics for the Program.....the program changed no File..means try unbedenklich |
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| remaining by me simply same to the invite the File stand:
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RudiB. | hmmmm....have You it only with a Program probiert, or exit the Error several on ??? On your Snapshot there can itself the program only in two Procs hang up...
and here the Listing moreover... CompileMarkSeparation
Proc lade_code
DrawPic grün_rot&,0990,0358;-1
usecursor 2
Whileloop getcount(datei_include_liste&)
datei$= getstring$(datei_include_liste&,i%)
inc i%
If zeilen_nummer&=0
WhileNot EOF(#1)
input #1,zeile$
INC ZEILEN_nummer&
close #1
usecursor 0
DrawPic grün&,0990,0358;-1
Proc zeige_units
DrawPic grün_rot&,0990,0358;-1
usecursor 2
Whileloop getcount(datei_listing_kopie&)
If (lower$(left$(zeile$,2))="$i") or (lower$(left$(zeile$,2))="$u")
pos&=instr(" ",zeile$)
If pos&=3
usecursor 0
DrawPic grün&,0990,0358;-1ENDPROC
| |
| look time hierbei hängts: CompileMarkSeparation {$cleq}
long x,y
decimals 0
window 600,600
windowtitle "oglUI-TestMode-Test"
ogl("init", %HWnd, 255,255,255,1)
mcls 600,600,0
whileloop 0, 599, 3
y = &loop
whileloop 0, 599, 3
x = &loop
ogl("SetName", 1)
case ogl("endtest") = 1 : setpixel x,y,0
settext %hwnd,str$(y/600*100)+"%"
string fle=ReadIni$("Hkey_1","Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders","Desktop")+"\\ogl.testmode.test.png"
long hPic = create("hpic",0,"&OGLBMP")
savepic fle, hPic
deleteObject hPic
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RudiB. | juup....by me too....sch... then go I time on Fehlersuche. |
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RudiB. | Have whom Error found.....is eigenlich quite none...and still...
i'm not yet with the Program XPSE compatible ....too not yet integrally with X2 must yet the new Syntax yielding How LONG,INTEGER,MEMORY ...without prefix
the Program depends itself in a Loop on, because it attempts double Entries a Listbox To Remove The empty....trouble becomes resolved !
Füg Your Program simply time hinzu...
Declare x%
already GEHTS..
...but nothing so withal....so what must not occur....means Error becomes fixed |
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RudiB. | Here's the next time.......
now recognize the program, whether a Profane or one XPSE Program loaded watts and shows it on. The new variables-Syntax to X2 ( Longint Test, Text...) is implementiert.
Includes and Unit go on wish mitgeladen (here have I the Namensraum mitbedacht (z.B. $I Test =FRE_)
some functions, under too yet Save, are deaktiviert....must first yet some Testläufe More rad.
who not absolutely The display of verwendeten System-Variables or the inaktiven variables need can The Check boxes ( VOR DEM LADEN EINER FILE )deaktivieren, then is the program on the Start faster.
new Update,this time again all compel Files as selbstenpackende Exe.
Download selected Feedback
Greeting Rudi |
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E.T. | sees Yes Schonmal circa some rather from, too The variables shine now correctly. gelistet To go.
what me at Feierabendlichen Kurztest in that eye fallen is :
some Edits or. Buttons are To schmal, The Font fit in the Höhe not into:
... and it are missing The Unterstriche (_) in Proc- and Var-Bezeichnung (name itself by me mitgl_neu or. mitgl_neu_ende% , with space would indeed Error cause), vlt. conditioned by the To little Höhe, or one Einlese-Error...
moreover so, is one good Tool
alas Yes, with whom 4 boxing left supra would I The Entries not wählbar make (have at least none effect feststehlen can), could to confuse. but not simply "disable'n", the power so badly readable. sooner readonly, wisely now but not, whether with the em_SetReadOnly working... |
| XProfan X2Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 03/26/13 ▲ |