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![Torsten Rümker: 10/11/05](.././../../i/a/617900842433de430ed8f2.jpg) Torsten Rümker | Hi,
I it sorry was always To all Computers in our office to run around the each new version of my/ of my programs/s To install, have I sometime these small Unit written, around the Update To automatisieren.
These Unit Done only whom actual Download the Update-Files and launch following command via RUN immediate The Setup File (however The is). D. h. The terms The to that Call lead are in the actual Program to house.
FTPUpdate.txt Content: FTP Update Unit for arbitrary software (Version 1.3) of Torsten Rümker
Start the Updatefunktion:
?_FTPUpdate Produktkennung, Produktversion, FTP-Server-IP, BenutzerID, Password, 1/0 1= After the erfolgreichen Download becomes automatically The with File1 marked File (in the Idealfall one Program launched 0= After the erfolgreichen Download becomes The function with the Return Value 0 exits
as Return Value appear: 0 = no Error, where this Parameter only zurückgegeben becomes if the last Parameter 1 sounds. 1 = Connection to server failed 2 = Update.ini couldn't Downloaded go 3 = Download the Files partly fehlgeschlagen 4 = no Update present
on the FTP-Server must a Update.ini exist. construction: [Produktkennung] Version= Dateien=(amount) Pfad=Pfad on the FTP Server File1=Name File2=Name etc. loudly amount with Files (max. 50)
its without further possible too several programs over The same Update.ini automatically download, moreover must only a 2th Sektion with of/ one others Produktkennung in the Update.ini exist.
I recommend on the Server a only leseberechtigten User to create, in which Root-directory then The Update.ini lying. for each product ought to then one own Unterverzeichnis laid out go which in the Update.ini indicated go must (see moreover supra construction the Update.ini)
Since I none FTP-Server Internet Betreibe can I unfortunately too no funktionstüchtiges example enclosing.
I hope The Unit is jemandem helpful!
MfG Torsten |
| Ich lerne, ob ich will oder nicht! Betriebssystem: - Ubuntu 15.x - Windows (diverse) XProfan Version: X2 | 10/11/05 ▲ |
![Torsten Rümker: 10/12/05](.././../../i/a/617900842433de430ed8f2.jpg) Torsten Rümker | after I me the whole once more by the head weg let have, have I now into archive too yet whom Sourcecode added.
plus, for Nichtnochmalrunterladenwoller see under
Achja the whole is for each ders need can to disengaged Disposal! (If it someone using würd I but forward above To listen)
MfG Torsten |
| Ich lerne, ob ich will oder nicht! Betriebssystem: - Ubuntu 15.x - Windows (diverse) XProfan Version: X2 | 10/12/05 ▲ |
![Torsten Rümker: 10/19/05](.././../../i/a/617900842433de430ed8f2.jpg) Torsten Rümker | there the whole my first (if too small) publication is, I had on comments a la taugt nothing or can what out make hoped.
nobody a opinion moreover? (to idea behind it täte me already wealthy).
*bettel* ![](.././../../i/s/icon_redface.gif)
MfG Torsten |
| Ich lerne, ob ich will oder nicht! Betriebssystem: - Ubuntu 15.x - Windows (diverse) XProfan Version: X2 | 10/19/05 ▲ |
![iF: 10/19/05](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | now - it fehtl warscheinlich a Documentation. ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498557.gif)
Machs still simply How I - place one Pack since. (look you simply time my Unitpackete on)
Nimm too whom XPSE - the helps you very thereby.
salvo, iF.
example: CompileMarkSeparation {$c}
{$preferednamespace ftp.}
Proc ?_download export "Läd Datei Dateiftp$ per FTP herunter und speichert den Inhalt in Datei Dateilokal$"
Parameters Dateiftp$, Dateilokal$
Declare Fehler%
Fehler%=@Ftp("Download", Dateiftp$, Dateilokal$)
Return Fehler%
| |
![Torsten Rümker: 10/20/05](.././../../i/a/617900842433de430ed8f2.jpg) Torsten Rümker | OK, to some Tests be I yet over one, two not abgefangene Error stumbled.
i'll So the whole once more revise, and then too a suitable Documentation add.
the whole becomes but well a couple days need, Perhaps is it then Yes spruchreif ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498557.gif)
MfG Torsten |
| Ich lerne, ob ich will oder nicht! Betriebssystem: - Ubuntu 15.x - Windows (diverse) XProfan Version: X2 | 10/20/05 ▲ |
![Torsten Rümker: 02/19/06](.././../../i/a/617900842433de430ed8f2.jpg) Torsten Rümker | OK, I have today (finally) a updated version the FTPUpdate.pcu uploaded.
an (admittedly) short Help, and a example update.ini for FTP-Server is too with thereby.
Downloaded go can from the 1sten Posting in this Thread.
i hope so helps jemandem, if someone The opportunity has the whole To testing would I over a short feedback glad.
i'll try with opportunity a FTP-Server available To to put and then too a example code post.
MfG Torsten |
| Ich lerne, ob ich will oder nicht! Betriebssystem: - Ubuntu 15.x - Windows (diverse) XProfan Version: X2 | 02/19/06 ▲ |