XProfEd - Opensource IDE

Can whom middle-aged Lexer improve?

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question to that Lexxer:

The moderne XProfan (grins) has there still so a or others demand on the Highlightening.

what must I do around the MultizeilenRem /* */ and the // -Rem as well as The additional Compilerdirektiven in geschweiften clinging { } (How Delphi) discernible To make?

i'd only ungerne hereon dispense - what about me can me present so many XPSE -User ditto.

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to middle-aged Version existing no Source?

How is the because happens?

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is garnichts happens, the has yet never existing. two Listviews so did i with C++ Source begin? The Lexer has only well gepaßt, watts but so not The offiziele Version übernommen, so the adjustments necessary are, if you whom offizielen Lexer use want (not so recommendable).

properly had to a complete new Lexer write. whom haste but really already, in the XPSE. mandatory only yet properly in a DLL export and ready.

The Doku To Scintilla Although something fatless, but its in the endeffekt everything present.

I see! well means a lexer write hmpf having hoped it went faster...

The of you desired manner the Kommentarerkennung is still there not include, is still clear, the You for a new Lexer need. whom of C or C++ on XProfan adjust becomes well not so well fit

but in XPSE ought to still one Lexer include his, had to only yet there rausnehmen, for care, the The suitable data in a dll export go, see supra. The function Fold kannste Yes first omit, The is something komplizierter. The both with Get export only The amount Lexer, means 1 and a Pointer to the names z.B: XPROFAN
only The Function Lex is To erschaffen so It's all right

Hm I mean you are me To quick - I have now first your Link chasing, the proposition loaded and the Souce compiled - have now a SciLexer.dll with of/ one Exportfunktion namens Scintilla_DirectFunction.

be I on the Holzweg?

@Roland: .Handle& = Control(ScintillaPb, , ~WS_CHILD | ~WS_VISIBLE, x%, y%, dx%, dy%, parent&, .ID&, %hInstance, 0) ?

The DLL becomes loaded and there's one ScintillaPb-Control ? i'm unclear what very I here nachstellen can - Runs XPrfEd only with of/ one special DLL which not any more abgeändert go can?

alike I probiers time hintenrum - I fetch me so one standardEditor which my DLL terms and try into DLL NEN XProfanLexer einzuproggen...

I had here somewhere too one XProfanLexer in ASM written...

The Scintilla Classe is with the Original DLL only Scintilla without pb

Juhu success - now can I Specifically for XProfan NEN Lexer basteln! it functions...

[quote:24f03959ac=iF]Juhu success - now can I Specifically for XProfan NEN Lexer basteln! it functions...[/quote:24f03959ac]
Machs but best as extra Ladbaren Lexer (Zusatzdll), is on the saubersten. a vorhandenen Lexer disfigure isn't so the true , or. if, then change Please again whom Classennamen in what other, because Scintilla stick in very many Editoren, so kannste Problems avoid.

No I mean I machs on the best directly as new Lexer which into proposition integrate becomes #79 and login whom Lexer too with SourceForge on. (can quiet any know the it something like How XProfan gives.)


i'd gladly the Folding install - could You of your Page from the Folding enable? One .diff reicht me.

somehow opens XPrfEdit (latest V by Mail) not the latest Prj at Start.

i'd gladly the Folding install - could You of your Page from the Folding enable?[/quote:7aed5dc757]
clear, once I a DLL have, The it rule, can I try it incorporate. And if it one Sytaxhighlighning for Direktiven (zB $IFNDEF etc.) gives, can I the too still in whom Farbdialog to assimilate.

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Untitledvor 0 min.
Peter Max Müller10/28/17


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