
ClipSpeak for Win-10 german



'reads Clipboad-Text to (Win-10 German Vorleser)
'here only DemoText. writes .vbs on Desktop, the again autom. deleted becomes.
ClearClip:PutClip \
"Testtext: Alexander own four T-Shirts and three caps. The T-Shirts "+\
"haben The colours ruddy,green,blue and yellow, The caps are ruddy,green and blue. "+\
"Alex must so early get up, that it yet dark is - but it bekäme The eyes "+\
"ohnehin not correctly. on. How high is the probability, that T-Shirt and "+\
"Kappe The same colour having, if it integrally bleary the first time random in "+\
"den Wäschekasten clutching?"
Var t$=GetClip$():t$=Translate$(t$,"\n"," ")
Window Title "ClipSpeak":Window Style 24:Window 0,0-100,80
var fn$=getenv$("USERPROFILE")+"\\desktop\\clpspk.vbs":assign #6,fn$:rewrite #6
print #6,"Dim speaks, speech:speaks="+chr $(34)+t $+chr $(34)+":Set speech=CreateObject("+\
Chr$(34)+"sapi.spvoice"+chr $(34)+"):speech.Speak speaks"+chr $(13):close #6
case fileexists(fn$):winexecWait("wscript.exe "+fn$,1):Erase #6
Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'...

Set speech=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice"):speech.Speak speaks

Teacher teaches speak speedy speech

SAPI by JS (html) would yet interestingly, means Speech by htmlWin.

be the opinion, that the Speachen in that XProfan heard, simply because it a coole thing is.

for a KI, with the one itself on the Phone tidy talk and your z.B. too "Dazwischenreden" can, have I z.B. 3 (old/ übrige) Smartphones "zusammengeschlossen":

Runs very so already many years and maintains daily about 50 Anrufer fully automatically and lead individuelle conversations according to the who there anruft and what derjenige would like. ^^

The Anruferstimme mail I the a unit, that even only the said understand and then one other Smartphone anweist, by Sprachausgabe To Answer. though The data-communication the tools a external Webserver happens, has one right latenzfreies Gesprächsgefühl and the KI could I so on a Server auslagern.

Sprachausgabe and Voice Recognition are generally a crazy thing.

Schwelg:  [...] 

1.718 kB

Schwelg: [...] .

for my ATARI I had one small Sprachausgabeprogramm. was allerding on english expressed getrimmt. If I my Vornamen "Klaus" association have, sound it still right gewöhnungsbedürftig.

but KI was there not, otherwise would yet Santa Claus herausgekommen - or

is Yes soon again so far

HofK (01.11.2020)
for my ATARI I had one small Sprachausgabeprogramm.

so went it me too, coming of Kassette the program, time left to load 14m 31s, Mancher having but even hardware for Sprachausgabe.

too for Games etc. would it one toller Sound-Zusatzeffekt.

@Roland: so a Containerfunktion sapi("speak","World of XProfan") ?!?!

I had 1988 on the ATARI ST already 3,5 inch 1,44MB Minidisketten ( I know yet The 8 inch pair, 80 - 250kB ) .

there went it slippy. amazing, what from heutiger visibility bescheidene engineering then already do could.

but my yet integral bescheidenerer Simulationsprozessor, the soon in the Browser residieren becomes  [...]  , can Yes even Quicksort!

ClipSpeak on Win 8.1 with the holprigen Windowine voice.
Alle Sprachen
System: Windows 8/10, XProfan X4
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.


as Nichtholprig.vbs on the Desktop, then You can:

Dim s,p:s="Ich have no holprige voice! Greeting, Eliza"
Set p=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice"):p.Speak s
XProfan 11
Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'...

well Yes, well. except for "elitza" instead of "ihleisa".
The remainder before it sound but nevertheless not integrally liquid.

Dim s,p:s="Alexander own four T-Shirts and three caps. The T-Shirts having The colours ruddy,green,blue and yellow, The caps are ruddy,green and blue. I have no holprige voice! Greeting, Eliza"
Set p=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice"):p.Speak s
Alle Sprachen
System: Windows 8/10, XProfan X4
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.


I see, then has Win-10 glattere expressed, english words recognized and english expressed. disadvantage: too thoroughly German terms go sometimes incorrectly english expressed. Ausserdem come US-Amerikanismen into, about schlampige Wortenden. has means everything to- and detriments!
XProfan 11
Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'...

my WIN10 comes well with the Umlauten not clear:

from "Grün" becomes "Gr einviertel n" and
from "Gruß" becomes "Gru ahü"

so working it by me erträglich;
Dim s,p:s="Alexander own four T-Shirts and three caps. The T-Shirts having The colours ruddy, Gruen, blue and yellow, The caps are ruddy, gruen and blue. I have no holprige voice! greeting, Eliza"
Set p=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice"):p.Speak s

alas Yes: if one "Gruss, Eliesa"  writes, name itself selbige too so.

with names scheind too The German spelling To help

Schei** "verdenglichung"  , I hate the

so sound it well by me:
Dim s,p:s="Alexander own four T-Shirts and three caps. The T-Shirts having The colours ruddy, Gruen, blue and yellow, The caps are ruddy, gruen and blue. I have no holprige voice! greeting, Eluiesa"
Set p=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice"):p.Speak s
Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...


ACHTUNG: If to the .vbs with editor abspeichert, Please absolutely ANSI, not UTF-8 dial, otherwise there whom of Mario/E.T. beschriebenen effect!

XProfan power it correctly.! important is, that what Sinnvolles on Text in the Clipboard standing, z.B. a Firefox-web page by STRG-C rauskopiert. otherwise babbelt The spokeswoman u.u. forever long nonsense!:
Var t$=GetClip$():t$=Translate$(t$,"\n"," ")
Window Title "ClipSpeak":Window Style 24:Window 0,0-100,80
var fn$=getenv$("USERPROFILE")+"\\desktop\\clpspk.vbs":assign #6,fn$:rewrite #6
print #6,"Dim speaks, speech:speaks="+chr $(34)+t $+chr $(34)+":Set speech=CreateObject("+\
Chr$(34)+"sapi.spvoice"+chr $(34)+"):speech.Speak speaks"+chr $(13):close #6
case fileexists(fn$):winexecWait("wscript.exe "+fn$,1):Erase #6:End

P.s.: Firefox as example, because Yes the Edge-Browser Internetseiten self through Strg+Invoice values+G vorlesen can, if the German Vorleser first time activate is.
Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'...


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Untitledvor 0 min.
Axel Berse08/06/21
Manfred Barei01/24/21


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